After over two years of dreaming, designing, trouble-shooting, and refining, I'm so excited to finally launch Bunx. It's surreal to finally bring into the world what I've been fantasising about for so long. It's been a long road but I've had so much fun coming up with new concepts and seeing those ideas gradually come to life. Each of my products have been tried and tested on my friends, family and myself until I felt they were perfect.

There's much more to come but I wanted to start with my jewellery charms because they capture the essence of what I'm doing. I want this collection to be a reflection of the personality of everyone who wears it. It's designed to be mixed and matched in combinations that best fit YOU. Whether you're feeling cherries or hungry for some pasta, you can let the charms do the talking. Each piece is inspired by the world around me and I hope you can see yourself in them too as they adorn your wrist, neck and/or ears.
I hope you enjoy these as much as I have enjoyed creating them and I look forward to the journey ahead.
Lots of love, Bianca (AKA Bunx)